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How to Clean and Condition Your Leather Lounge in Just Three Easy Steps

How to Clean and Condition Your Leather Lounge in Just Three Easy Steps

Leather lounges look fantastic but they need some love to ensure that the leather is nourished and in great condition.

Preserving that leather lounge look doesn’t have to be tough. You can clean and disinfect your lounge using all-natural products.


Pure Castile Soap, which you can purchase online or in many health stores

White Vinegar

Olive Oil


Spray bottle

Important: Ensure that the products are tested on an inconspicuous part of your lounge to make sure that the below process won’t cause colour fade or flaking. Also, use only cloths or towels to clean your lounge; brushes are too abrasive and may damage your lounge

So, what is Castile Soap?

Castile Soap is part of this method, a great natural product I’ve recently discovered. While most soap is derived from animal fats or synthetic material, Castile Soap is usually created from mostly vegetable oils. You can also get soap infused with your favourite essential oil for a variety of benefits. Castile Soap can also be part of your beauty routine, too.

How to Nourish Your Leather Lounge in Just Three Steps

01 Combine a 1:10 mix of Castile Soap to warm water. Use a towel to wipe a small amount of mixture on your leather in a circular motion. The process will require both patience and a little hard work to ensure all areas of the lounge are reached.

We recommend slightly increasing the Castile Soap portion of your mixture if it isn’t cleaning as well as you’d like. Clean gently to ensure you don’t take colour out of the lounge.

After cleaning, wipe the lounge down again with a clean to ensure that any excess cleaning mixture is removed.

02 The lounge may feel a little sticky to touch because of residue from the soap. You can use vinegar to take away the stickiness, while acting as a great disinfectant.

Combine 1:5 of white vinegar to water in a spray bottle. Spray the vinegar solution onto the lounge and wipe with a clean cloth. You’ll need to touch the lounge as you go, waiting until the vinegar dries and giving the lounge a pat.

03 It is possible that the method above, while providing an exceptional clean, may have slightly dried out the leather. Our recommendation? Use Olive Oil to revive your leather – just make sure you follow the instructions closely.

Use ¼ cup of oil for a three-seater lounge and apply lightly. Use a small towel, and a small amount of oil to wipe the lounge down. Buff with another towel in a circular motion.

You MUST remove all of the excess oil otherwise it will leave the lounge sticky and it may discolour the lounge or lead to rapid re-soiling. Once you’ve buffed the lounge, run your hand over the whole lounge, including crevices, looking for sticky spots. If you find a sticky spot, re-buff that area with a cloth.

Important: Remove all of the excess oil otherwise it will leave the lounge a bit sticky. It could potentially discolour the lounge and lead to rapid soiling. After the clean, run your hand across the lounge and into its crevices to ensure there aren’t any sticky areas. You may need to rebuff again.

And, you’re finished! In just a few simple steps, your lounge is looking great and your leather has been completely nourished by the process.





Important: This testing was completed on a lounge with around a year of soiling. An older lounge may have more of a build-up of body oils, meaning you may have to call a professional lounge cleaner. You’ll find a professional has the expertise, chemicals and equipment to take on more complex lounge damage.

Disclaimer: The E-Dry team believes this process to be safe but be aware that it may contradict your lounge’s warranty. Read your warranty before picking the cleaning method for your leather lounge.


Please note pigments may just deteriorate over time with exposure to body oils. Is your top coat colour changing colour or lifting? You need to stop cleaning immediately.


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