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4 Amazing Spring Cleaning Uses for Vinegar

4 Amazing Spring Cleaning Uses for Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural acid. It’s non-toxic, biodegradable and achieves amazing results on everything from mould to grout lines. It’s acidic properties will not only clean, it will also disinfect!

In fact, vinegars has been used for cleaning around the house for generations. From cleaning wood floors, to windows, to showerheads, the vinegar has seen great use outside of the kitchen. Plus, it is cheap and easily accessible.

Cheap, natural and can be used for cooking? What’s not to like about vinegar?

Here are 4 ways you can use vinegar in your spring cleaning, which you probably did not know of:

  1. Mould Cleaning - Mould is part of a group organisms called fungi. Not only are they an eyesore around the house, but they also pose health risks as they produce spores that can aggravate allergies and asthma attacks.
  2. Grout Cleaning - Grout is essential in keeping tiles locked together and water resistant. However, in time, grout becomes a disturbing sight as it accumulates dirt, grease and grime.
  3. Unclogging and Deodorising Drains - Clogged drains are one of the inevitabilities of life. Grease attracts dirt and turns into sludge very quickly. And before you know it, you have a dirty clogged drain right at your feet.
  4. Cleaning Kitchen Tops, Stoves and Stainless Steel - Making a mess in the kitchen happens to the best of us. With the amount of oil and grease that is used in the average kitchen, you are bound to make things grimy and greasy.

Mould Removal

Vinegar kills 82% of all mould species, that’s an amazing kill rate for such an inexpensive condiment! But that still leaves 18% of mould species unchecked. If you’ve got a mild to moderate mould issue then we suggest the following:

  • Use a spray bottle to apply full concentrate vinegar directly onto the mould. In areas of heavy mould, use a soft nylon bristled brush to agitate the mould.
  • Leave the vinegar on the mould for an hour to do its work. Reapply a few sprays of vinegar if you see signs of mould coming back.
  • Wipe away the mould with a clean, damp cloth. If there’s still a mould stain then you may try mixing vinegar with hydrogen peroxide, borax, salt or baking soda. Never mix them all at once, make a solution by mixing vinegar with one of each until you find the mixture that works for you.

Tile and Grout Cleaning

Grout is amazing at keeping your tiles locked together, but it also has a nasty habit of keeping grime and dirt locked too. If you want to make your grout look like new again then try this incredibly effective process:

  • Make up a paste by mixing Bi-Carb Soda and Water (3:1) together and apply the paste to the grout lines with your finger (using gloves).
  • Mix white vinegar and water (1:1) in a spray bottle and apply on the Bi-Carb Soda paste. You’ll notice the paste start bubbling which lets you know that the natural chemical reaction that will clean your grout has started.
  • Once the bubbling stops, scrub each grout line with a nylon brush or toothbrush. Take care to clean each corner and edge.
  • Wipe off with a clean cloth and cold water.

Unclogging and Deoderising Drains

Clogged drains are a great cause for concern. Still water is rife with germs and bacterias. It can also be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. But before you reach for the plunger and some strong chemical compounds, here’s an environmentally friendly alternative that’s much gentler on your pipes and safer for you:

  • Using a funnel, pour 1/2 cup of bi-carb soda down the drain followed by 1 cup of vinegar.
  • When the foaming subsides, flush with hot water.
  • Wait 5 minutes and flush with cold water.

Cleaning Kitchen Tops, Stoves and Stainless Steel

Greasy kitchen tops, stoves and stainless steel can prove to be very difficult to clean. You might also want to avoid strong, toxic cleaning chemicals as they could contaminate the food you cook.

Luckily, there should be a bottle of vinegar right there in the kitchen. Here’s how you can cut the grease and your kitchen cleaning time:


  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it to clean greasy surfaces like kitchen stove and benches.
  • Just spray on and wipe with a damp cloth. The same process can also be used to clean chrome and stainless steel. In addition to cutting through grease, vinegar will also neutralise any odours on the surface.
  • For super grease fighting action in the kitchen, try adding 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to your favourite brand of dishwashing detergent and give the bottle a good shake. The added vinegar will give your detergent better grease fighting power, and also reduce the amount you use, giving you better bang for your buck.


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