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Embrace the Wonder of Winter the Scandinavian Way

Embrace the Wonder of Winter the Scandinavian Way

Throw your winter woollies into storage; the countdown for the end of winter is on!

Here’s a thought, though. Rather than wishing the next few weeks away, we’ve got some tips to inspire you to enjoy winter in all its frosty glory.

I’ve spent a bit of time in the cold north of Europe, and I can tell you, they know what they’re doing!

Here are my top Norwegian and Swedish habits, which are all about embracing the best that winter has to offer.

Hello, Fresh Air!

The north of Europe is known for its unforgiving and chilly winters. But Norweigans have a different way of looking at winter, getting outdoors whenever possible regardless of the weather. Their saying “Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær” means “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.”

Our winters are much milder than theirs, so we think adopting this strategy is a great idea. Instead of hibernating this winter, rug up and get out there and enjoy the beauty that Australia has to offer.

Keep yourself warm and dry through the wind and rain by investing in some good quality winter wear such as thermals, a rain jacket, thick socks and cosy jumpers to prepare for the chill. Then get out there and enjoy!

What is Koselig?

There is a Norwegian concept named Koselig, which basically means embracing winter with warmth, intimacy and comfort.

The inspiration? Think candles, relaxing music, open fires, cups of tea, mulled wine and great conversation with your favourite people. Creating a cosy home life while the weather is fresh outside makes winter a breeze. Norwegians will go to great lengths to make things Koselig. I turned on Netflix the last time I was in Norway to see a two-hour recording of a cat dozing in front of a crackling fire. Anything to relax, right?

Love Your Home

Home is our haven during the winter month, so creating a nice environment is important. Keeping a clean home can make a huge difference. Remove clutter and dirt and buy some pieces for your home that you adore – it’ll go a long way to creating a truly koselig and peaceful home.

Don’t stress too much; here’s a few tips to get you started on your way to a fresh and clean home.

We Heart Fika

This may be a new concept to some, but it’s a great one. Swedish Fika is about taking the time to slow down and love life, whether it’s having a coffee or meeting a friend for a pastry at the local café. Some Swedish offices even have specific Fika breaks throughout the workday, where everyone will stop working and connect over coffee and cake.

Next time there’s a cold or rainy day, hide out in the corner of a quiet café with a good friend for some coffee and conversation. It’s the best way to banish winter blues and indulge in something delicious.


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