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Why Synthetic Fragrances are Stinking Up the Cleaning Product Industry

Why Synthetic Fragrances are Stinking Up the Cleaning Product Industry

These days, we’re all becoming a little greener, making more informed choices about the impact our cleaning products are having on our health and the environment.

Cleaning product companies have found a sneaky way to dupe us, though.

We all want our homes to smell naturally fresh but more often, this comes at a very un-natural cost.

These companies are adding fragrance to their ingredient list, which are often synthetically created with a mixture of up to several hundred chemicals.

We recently discovered that these chemicals can cause health issues and are particularly problematic for those who suffer from allergies or asthma.

What makes Synthetic Fragrances Affect Our Health?

In 2016, the University of Melbourne completed the first Australian study into the effect of fragranced products on our health. The study included fragranced products such as cleaning products, laundry supplies, air fresheners and personal care products.

One of the more interesting findings was that of the nearly 1100 participants, one third experienced an adverse reaction to fragranced substances, including respiratory problems; mucosal symptoms; migraine headaches; skin problems; and asthma attacks among others.

Some of the other findings included:

Why are Companies adding Fragrances to their Products?

One of the reasons is to create a scent. Apparently, we consumers love our synthetic-smelling floral bouquets and ocean breezes. Companies also use fragrance to mask odours that may occur when certain chemicals are mixed together during the manufacturing of the product.

Can I Avoid Synthetic Fragrance in Cleaning Products?

It can be tough. Unfortunately, fragrance chemicals do not need to be fully disclosed on the label. Our advice is that when nothing other than the term ‘fragrance’ is on the ingredient list, it’s probably for a reason. Natural or green cleaning products should include information on what plant or essential oil the fragrance has come from. Keep a look out for fragrance-free items, too.

I personally love using lemons, white vinegar and Bi-Carb Soda to clean around the home. A combination of these products can clean most items and surfaces, and vinegar and lemon will disinfect against most germs.

If you would like to add a sweet-smelling touch to your homemade product, add 5-10 drops of essential oil – something like citrus or peppermint is a great idea. Using essential oils mean you control how much of the scent goes into the product and they’re totally natural as well.


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